Respiratory system
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The larynx, laryngeal cartilages

Illustration of the laryngeal cartilages on lateral view.

Anatomy of the head and neck
Laryngoscopic view of the larynx

Illustration of laryngoscopic view of the larynx during indirect laryngoscopy.

Anatomy of the head and neck
Laryngeal inlet

Illustrations of the laryngeal aditus on posterior view with opened dorsal wall of pharynx.

Anatomy of the head and neck
The larynx, laryngeal musculature

Illustration of laryngeal muscles on the left image after partial removal of the thyroid cartilage and on posterior view on right picture.

Anatomy of the head and neck
The larynx and its ligaments

Illustration of the laryngeal ligaments on front and side views.

Anatomy of the head and neck
Arterial supply to the bronchi

Illustrations of the vascular supply of the bronchial rami from dorsal side of bronchial tree.

Anatomy of the thorax
Bronchial tree, anterior view

Illustration of anterior view of the bronchial tree to level of segmental bronchi.

Anatomy of the thorax
Bronchoscopic images in the circular views of the bronchial tree

Illustration of bronchoscopic images under level of bifucation of the trachea.

Anatomy of the thorax
The pulmonary alveoli

Illustration of the pulmonary alveoli.

Anatomy of the thorax
Left lung, medial view

Illustration of the left lung from medial view.

Anatomy of the thorax
The lungs, anterior view

Illustration of the lung and thoracic part of the trachea from anterior view.

Anatomy of the thorax
Right lung, medial view

Illustration of the right lung from medial view.

Anatomy of the thorax
Breathings movements of the lung

Illustration of the pleural cavity and breathing movements of the lungs during deep inspiration and expiration on the frontal section of the thorax.

Anatomy of the thorax
Borders of lungs and pleura

Illustrace of borders of lungs (solid line) and pleura (dashed) on posterior and anterior view of thorax.

Anatomy of the thorax
Borders of lungs and pleura, view from left and right side

Illustrace of borders of lungs (solid line) and pleura (dashed) on view from left and right of thorax.

Anatomy of the thorax

Patient with the pneumothorax on left side after chest trauma. The collapse of the left lung is marked by drawing.

Anatomy of the thorax
Transversal section of the thorax

Illustration of transversal section of thorax at level of 3rd thoracic vertebra

Anatomy of the thorax
The trachea and its relation to bronchi, blood vessels and nerves

Illustration of the trachea relations to major blood vessels, nerves and bronchi of mediastinum.

Anatomy of the thorax